
ごあいさつ 当社は創業以来一貫して自動車部品・オートバイ部品・建設機械・農業機械等の各鍛造部品を生産し、今日にいたっております。その間常に世界トップレベルの製品を製造することをモットーに技術の向上をはかってまいりました。幸いにして当社製品はユーザー各位より精度・品質とも非常にハイレベルであると、ご好評をいただいております。 今日私たち当社従業員一同これに甘んじることなく、ユーザー各位のご要望に対処するため、鋭意設備の改善・技術の向上をはかり、合理化構想の実現に努力を傾けております。特にエネルギー・資材の合理化・作業の省力化に心がけるとともに、作業の安全管理の徹底を期し、ますます多様化するこれからの国際経済および国内経済のなかで時代のニーズにいち早く対応するべくより一層生産技術の向上をはかり、鍛造業界の発展に寄与する決心でおります。 今後とも、ユーザー各位のご要望に充分お応えできる鍛造メーカーをめざす所存でおりますので、より一層のご支援ご鞭撻を賜わりたくお願い申し上げます。代表取締役社長 角 田 邦 夫GreetingSince the foundation, this company has produced consistently the various forged parts of automobiles, motorcycles, construction machines, farm machines and others up to now.During the period, the company has improved the technology always making "Manufacture of the products at the top level in the world" its motto.Fortunately, the products of this company have been popular among users as both accuracy and quality are at very high level.At present, we all working staffs in this company are not contented with it, and earnestly improve the equipment and better the technology, in this way, exert efforts to realize the rationalization conception in order to cope with the demand of customers.In particular, the rationalization of energy and materials and the labor saving in working are intended, the thorough control of safety in working is ensured, and in order to respond promptly to the needs of the age in the international economy and the national economy more and more diversifying hereafter, it is determined to improve further the production technology and to contribute to the development of forging industry.Hereafter, the company intends to aim at the forging manufacturer that can sufficiently meet the demand of users, therefore, I ask you to give us more support and encouragement.Kunio KakutaRepresentative director, president品質で結ぶ 人の和 技術の和Harmony of People Harmony of Technology Connected by Quality

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